Churches, associations on mission: ‘ServeNC’ day 3 highlights (2024)

Read our highlights from day three of the statewide 'ServeNC' initiative.

On Aug. 3-10, more than 1,000 churches are partnering together to serve North Carolina communities as part of a statewide emphasis called “ServeNC.”

The “ServeNC” initiative, organized by North Carolina Baptists and their partnering organization Baptists on Mission, encourages churches to consider and respond to the needs of local neighborhoods by taking on service projects within their communities. By the time the emphasis week began on Saturday, Aug. 3, more than 1,150 churches in 92 North Carolina counties had committed to serve. A map of churches participating in “ServeNC” can be found here.

Did your church complete a “ServeNC” service project? Let us know by filling out this celebration form here. Be sure to share your story with us on social media by tagging @ncbaptist using the hashtag #ServeNC. We want to celebrate with you!

Visit to read recaps of previous “ServeNC” days.

Following are some highlights from day three of “ServeNC.”

Day three highlights

  • In Chowan County, Rocky Hock Baptist Church in Edenton took on several “ServeNC” projects, including serving at a nursing home, completing landscaping work for a local senior adult, helping a middle school prepare for the new school year and hosting a golf tournament to benefit the Baptist Children’s Homes of North Carolina.
  • In Fayetteville, members of the New South River Baptist Association surprised construction workers across the street from their resource center with a free lunch.
  • Hillcrest Baptist Church got volunteers of all ages involved in “ServeNC” by packing gift bags for students and staff at a nearby elementary school in Raeford.
  • Tar Heel Baptist Church hosted a prayer station and offered prayer to members of the Tar Heel community.
  • Members of First Baptist Church of Raeford helped assemble a wheelchair ramp for a couple in the community, one of whom was a former volunteer firefighter and the other an educator.
  • In Elizabeth City, volunteers from Berea Baptist Church assembled North Carolina Baptist Aging Ministry “Red Bags” for medication management. The church will distribute the bags to senior adults in the community throughout the week.
Churches, associations on mission: ‘ServeNC’ day 3 highlights (1)
  • Burkemont Baptist Church of Morganton partnered with Baptists on Mission in New Bern to clean up debris and backfill dirt into the foundation space for a new home.
  • Friendship Southern Baptist Church partnered with other churches in Cabarrus County to meet landscaping needs at a local elementary school.
  • Staff members at Wake Cross Roads Baptist Church canceled their regularly scheduled planning meeting to build a raised garden bed and move storage for a recovery home ministry in Raleigh.
  • Members of the Bladen Baptist Association partnered with Lebanon Baptist Church from the New South River Baptist Association to build a wheelchair ramp for a member of the community.
  • In Sampson County, members of Rowan Baptist Church prayer walked neighborhoods around their community.
  • Lao Baptist Church of Salisbury spent the day cutting a large dead tree in a widow’s yard that was leaning toward her home.
  • After collecting and preparing for “ServeNC” over the course of the summer, staff members at Fort Caswell took time to deliver blessing bags to the Caswell Beach Police Department.
Churches, associations on mission: ‘ServeNC’ day 3 highlights (2)
  • In western North Carolina, First Broad Baptist Church delivered school supplies to Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office’s Reading, Impact and Opportunity Team (RIOT). The supplies will go to the children of inmates in Rutherford County.
  • In Turkey, members of New Hope Baptist Church collected and delivered food for shut-ins in their community. The church also collected sports equipment, delivering them to the Sampson County Sheriff’s Department to hand out to the community.
  • Churches from the Liberty Baptist Association partnered together to gather backpacks that will be distributed at an upcoming event on Aug. 10. The backpacks will go to students as they prepare for the upcoming school year.
  • In Greensboro, Lawndale Baptist Church partnered with nearby elementary schools to prepare for the arrival of students later this month. Members of the church cleaned, painted, pressure washed, spread mulch and completed other landscaping projects around the campuses.
  • In central North Carolina, Faith Baptist Church in Faith prepared lunch for teachers and staff members at a nearby charter school.
  • Aenon Missionary Baptist Church in Wilson County delivered gift bags and pocket calendars to workers at the Hospice of Wilson.
  • Volunteers from First Baptist Church of Garner completed lawn maintenance work for a nearby community garden.
  • In Clinton, Mount Vernon Baptist Church distributed gift bags to teachers at a nearby elementary school and diapers and wipes for a local pregnancy resource center.

By N.C. Baptist Communications

Read more highlights from each day of “ServeNC:” Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8

Churches, associations on mission: ‘ServeNC’ day 3 highlights (2024)


How many baptist associations are there in North Carolina? ›

Headquartered in Cary, North Carolina, the convention is made up of 77 Baptist associations and around 4,300 churches as of 2012. The convention is led by three officers, elected annually during the annual meeting of the convention. The three officers elected to serve the convention for 2022 are: President, Dr.

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Bases for Missions

Belief in the lordship of Christ is basic for Baptists. Christ as Lord commanded that the gospel be taken to all people everywhere (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8). Furthermore, Jesus set an example for missionary endeavor and bids us follow him (Matthew 4:19; 16:24; Luke 9:59; 1 Peter 2:21).

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What is it? ServeNC is an opportunity for every NC Baptist church to love its community in Jesus' name through service projects.

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Church of God Mission International is a Christian denomination from Nigeria. The headquarters is in Benin City, Nigeria, is a megachurch. It was founded by Benson Idahosa in 1968.

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First Baptist Church (Raleigh, North Carolina)

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Major Baptist denominations in the U.S.
EvangelicalAmerican Baptist Association
MainlineAmerican Baptist Churches USA (ABCUSA) (formerly Northern Baptist Convention, American Baptist Convention)
EvangelicalConfessional Baptist Association (formerly Association of Reformed Baptists in America)
58 more rows

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For Southern Baptists, the practice, also known as glossolalia, ended after the death of Jesus' apostles. The ban on speaking in tongues became a way to distinguish the denomination from others. These days, it can no longer afford that distinction.

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What We Do We live the gospel of Jesus Christ, care for those in need, share the gospel, and unite families for eternity.

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The Spanish wanted to take over the land, and the missionaries were part of that plan. They wanted to spread their religion of Roman Catholicism (a branch of Christianity) to the Indigenous groups who lived on the land. The missions forced the Indigenous people to change their way of life.

What are the beliefs of the mission church? ›

We believe in the total deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, became man without ceasing to be God, having been conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary in order that He might reveal God and redeem sinful man (John 1:1–2, 14; Luke 1:35).

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Mission church, in some Christian denominations, a church that does not have full status as a parish church, and is supported by an external organization, such as a parish or diocese.

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Preparing for Missionary Work – The Role of the Church:

Therefore, the church is the one who sends missionaries and supports missionary work abroad. The church is also involved in the spiritual care of the missionary, as well as parts of helping the worker prepare for the mission field.

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Most of the Baptists in North Carolina are said to have emigrated from the church of Burley, in Virginia; but by the labors of Palmer, Parker, and Sojourner, and some other preachers who were raised up in the parts, so many were brought to embrace their sentiments, that they, by about the year 1752, had increased to ...

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The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), alternatively the Great Commission Baptists (GCB), is a Baptist Christian denomination based in the United States. It is the world's largest Baptist organization and the largest Protestant and second-largest Christian body in the United States.

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There are certain states where one denomination – typically Baptist – make up the greatest percentage of Protestants. The survey showed the most Baptist state in America is Mississippi, where 60 percent of Protestants are Baptist.

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The University of North Carolina is a public, multi-campus university dedicated to the service of North Carolina and its people. It encompasses the 17 diverse constituent institutions and other educational, research, and public service organizations.


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