Court Forms - Courts | (2024)

Adobe Sign webforms should be used if the document will be signed by a judge at the next scheduled hearing date or used at the next scheduled hearing. Otherwise, the documents will more appropriately be filed in the Seattle Municipal Justice portal per usual protocol. We encourage preparing documents in advance of the next hearing when possible.

Defense Attorneys: Watch Seattle Municipal Court webforms training

When using these Adobe Sign webforms, you may be prompted to enter additional email addresses. This could include the City Attorney and/or the judge presiding over the hearing. If you do not know who the City Attorney or judge is, please reach out to the appropriate City Attorney Unit or the court as appropriate.

Affidavit for Disqualification of Judge

Alford Plea Attachment

Declaration of Non Driving and Order on Criminal Motion

Declaration of Non-Surrender

Expired Blood Vials

Fifth Amendment Finding

Interpreter's Declaration

Limited Notice of Appearance

Motion to Continue Arraignment

Motion & Order for Continuance (Non-Trial)

Motion and Order Waiving Fines and Fees

Motion to Quash Warrant

Order Continuing Trial & Waiver of Time for Trial

Order for Initial Evaluation of Competency

Order Granting Deferred Prosecution

Order on Criminal Motion

Order to Release Firearms

Statement of Defendant on Plea of Guilty

Subpoena Duces Tecum

Temporary Release Order

Trial Setting Order

Waiver Of Speedy Trial

Specialized Court Forms

Mental Health Court

Dismiss and Detain

Dismiss and Refer

Insanity and Diminished Capacity Examination

Order for Civil Commitment Referral

Order Directing Competency Restoration

Order Finding Defendant Competent

Order for Initial Evaluation of Competency

Order To Redact Mental Health Evaluation

Order Retracting Competency Evaluation

Order to Show Cause

Order to Strike and Refer

The following forms should be filed in the case portal. To download a form, select the language under the form and it will open as a PDF.

Affidavit for Disqualification of Judge - Defense

Declaration of Non Driving and Order on Criminal Motion

Designation of Clerk's Paper

Jury Waiver

Motion to Add-on/Consolidate

Notice of Appeal with King County Superior Court Worksheet

Order on Criminal Motion

Order for Expert Billing at Public Expense

Specialized Court Forms

Find specialized court forms on on the program webpages:

  • Mental Health Court
  • Veterans Treatment Court

Portal Filing Guidelines

Request Attorney or Clerk Access to Portal

  1. Proceed to theSeattle Municipal Court Portal and select LOGIN/REGISTER from the top menu or click on the blue Register button on the main screen.
  2. Click on the blue Register link under the login button where it says "Don't have a profile?"
  3. Enter your Username, First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, Password, confirm Password and click on the blue Register button.
  4. You will receive an email with a link to complete the sign-up process. If you do not receive an email, check your spam folder.
  5. After clicking the link, your account will be active and you will be redirected back to the SMC Portal.
  6. Click on your account name in the top right hand corner of the screen and select Profile from the drop down menu.
  7. Select User Access.
  8. Click on the blue Submit Request button and select the appropriate account type from the drop-down menu.
  9. Enter your address and click the blue Continue button.
  10. Enter your phone number and click the blue Continue button.
  11. Enter your Bar ID number.
  12. Click on Reference File to upload a copy of your ID.
  13. Click on Submit Request.
  14. You will receive a confirmation through your Notifications that your user account has been successfully created.

    Filing Documents

    In order to file documents through the portal, you do not need an enhanced account. Filings are accepted for cases with future court dates. Filings are only accepted in the courtroom for cases set on the day of filing.

    Filing Instructions

    1. Create document using word processing software and convert to PDF.
    2. Log-in to the portal and select Create and New Filing from the left sub-menu.
    3. From the Case Type drop-down menu, select File on Existing Case
    4. Enter case number and select Continue.
    5. Select Manual Entry.
    6. Enter the docket entry name and select Continue.
    7. Enter the name of the document if different than Docket Entry description and select Continue.
    8. Click on Create Filing.
    9. Click on the Enter Information button.
    10. Select the appropriate filing party from the "File on Behalf of" drop down menu.
    11. Click on the blue Save button.
    12. Click on the Continue button on the Filing Information screen.
    13. Click on the Enter Information button on the Docket Entries screen.
    14. Click on the blue Next button.
    15. Click in the File Attachment field and select a file to upload.
    16. Click on the blue Next button.
    17. Click on the blue Finish button.
    18. Click on the Notifications from the left sub-menu to view the status of the filing.
    19. The court will accept or reject the document and notify the filing party within 72 hours.
    20. Filings submitted after business hours will be marked as received on the next business day.

    Document Signatures

    Attorney Signatures -An electronic document which requires an attorney's signature may be signed with a digital signature or signed in the following manner:

    s/ John Attorney
    State Bar Number 12345
    ABC Law Firm
    123 South Fifth Avenue
    Seattle, WA 98104
    Telephone:(206) 123-4567
    Fax:(206) 123-4567
    Email: John.Attorney@law

    Non-attorney signatures -An electronic document which requires a non-attorney's signature and is not signed under penalty of perjury may be signed with a digital signature or signed in the following manner:

    s/ John Citizen
    123 South Fifth Avenue
    Seattle, WA 98104
    Telephone:(206) 123-4567
    Fax:(206) 123-4567

    Documents Accepted Via Portal

    Not all court documents are accepted via the portal. At this time, only documents that are to be filed prior to a hearing will be accepted through the portal. Of those, only documents which do not require a judicial signature or dissemination to other parties by the court will be accepted.

    • Address Verification CAO
    • Affidavit of Disqualificationof Judge
    • Agreed Order for Cont
    • Appeal Notice
    • Assessment Alcohol Drug
    • Bill of Particulars
    • Briefs
    • Case Initiation Face Sheet
    • Certified ADR
    • Community Service Verification
    • Complaint
    • Cont Arr Time Waiver
    • Correspondence
    • Declaration of Nondriving
    • DOL Forms
    • DP proposed treatment plan
    • IID Proof of Install
    • Motion
    • Motion Add On/Consolidate
    • Motion and Order of Dismissal
    • Motion to Seal
    • Motion to Vacate
    • Notice of Appearance
    • Notice of Appearance Limited
    • Notice of NCF
    • Notice of Withdraw
    • Police Report
    • Probation DC Violation
    • Proof of Completion
    • Prop Jury instr City
    • Prop Jury instr DEF
    • Protected Persons Address
    • PTD letter
    • PTD Recommendation
    • Re Licensing Recommendation
    • Request Discovery Jury
    • Response to Motion to Vacate
    • Restitution Motion
    • Sentencing Recommendation
    • Sentinel Status report
    • Victim Impact Statement
    • Waiver Speedy Trial
    • Warrant Memo
    • Witness List
    Court Forms - Courts | (2024)


    What is the phone number for the Seattle courts? ›

    Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Closed Holidays. Contact Us: (206) 684-5600 or Customer Service.

    How much do you get paid for jury duty in King County? ›

    Payment for jury service

    All employers must provide a leave of absence for employees to serve (RCW 2.36. 165). Jurors earn $10 per day of service.

    How do I postpone jury duty in Seattle? ›

    If you need to reschedule, please complete the online reschedule request form. Reschedule requests must be made no later than seven (7) days before the jury service date. Court policy permits one (1) reschedule request. Additional requests require the approval of the Jury Judge.

    What is a notice of appearance in Washington state? ›

    What is a Notice of Appearance (NOA)? The NOA simply tells the court and the person who sued you that you want to defend yourself in the case and you want to get notice if anything else happens in the case. The court papers you received should give you a deadline to respond.

    How do I serve court papers in Washington state? ›

    The Notice can be served only by (1) a person over the age of 18 who is competent to be a witness and is not a party to the action, or (2) the sheriff or a deputy of the county in which the court is located. Instead of personal service, the Notice can be sent to the defendant by registered or certified mail.

    How do I read a court case number in Washington state? ›

    The first 2 digits of the case number are used to indicate the year the case was filed. The third digit is used to designate the case type. The next series of digits is the actual sequential number of the case beginning from "00001" in that particular year.

    What disqualifies you from jury duty in Washington state? ›

    Those under eighteen years of age. Those who are not citizens of the United States. Those not residents of the county. Those not able to communicate in the English language.

    What happens if you miss jury duty in Washington state? ›

    What will happen if I fail to appear for jury duty? Pursuant to RCW 2.36. 170, a person summoned for jury service who intentionally fails to appear as directed shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. It is in the individual court's discretion as to whether or not to pursue a juror not showing up for jury duty.

    How many times can you be summoned for jury duty in Washington state? ›

    You may be called often or never at all because it is random. One or more courts may summon you in the same year or over the course of several years. You should not serve in the Superior Court more than once within 12 months. If you received another (or additional or subsequent) summons, you could request an exemption.

    How do I get out of jury duty in King County? ›

    You must be able to prove that serving on a jury would cause you undue hardship to be exempted or dismissed from service. All King County residents who meet qualifications and cannot be excused for an undue hardship must serve as a juror when summoned.

    What to wear to jury duty in Washington state? ›

    Dress comfortably. Suits, ties, and other, more formal wear are not necessary. But don't get too informal-beach wear, shorts, halter or tank tops are not appropriate in court. Hats may not be allowed unless worn for religious or medical purposes.

    At what age are you exempt from jury duty in Washington state? ›

    A person who is 80 years of age or older may request to be excused from jury service if the person attests that the person is unable to serve due to health reasons. Fill out this form to attest that you are over 80 and unable to serve due to health reasons.

    What is a noa in law? ›

    (Notice of Appeal) The document you serve and file to let the court and other parties in the case know you are appealing the lower court's decision.

    What is a written appearance? ›

    An appearance is a written form the defendant must file with the Clerk of the Court. The appearance tells the court that the defendant intends to have the court hear the matter for which the plaintiff has filed the complaint.

    What is a preliminary appearance in Washington state? ›

    Preliminary Appearance

    The defendant's first appearance in court for further hearings. If a suspect is arrested and held in jail, this hearing must take place within 72 hours and it is often the next court day after arrest. This appearance will occur before formal charges have been filed.

    How do I contact the King County Court? ›

    Washington State Court Directory: King County
    1. Phone: 206-477-1400.
    2. Fax: 206-296-0986.
    3. Office Email: Visit Website.

    What cases does Seattle Municipal Court handle? ›

    It has exclusive original jurisdiction over violations of all city ordinances, collects fines and forfeitures relating thereto, and hears cases related to misdemeanors defined by State statute that occur within the city limits. Municipal Court judges are elected by the qualified electors of the City of Seattle.

    What is the phone number for the Superior Court in Washington state? ›

    If you need assistance, please call Superior Court Operations at 206-477-1400.

    What are the three locations for King County Superior Court? ›

    Superior Court locations
    • King County Courthouse. Learn more about the the King County Courthouse , a full-service court facility serving north and east King County.
    • Maleng Regional Justice Center. ...
    • Judge Patricia H. ...
    • Involuntary Treatment Act (ITA) Court at Harborview Medical Center.


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    Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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    Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

    Birthday: 1996-05-10

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    Job: Legacy Sales Designer

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    Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.